Wednesday, February 08, 2006


you know a country's a global economic influence
when it's found its way into the international breakfast buffet.
representing america - bacon, ham and eggs.
japan - sashimi; steamed rice; breaded fried pork or chicken.
europe (yes, they're taken as a whole) - a slew of breads, fruits and cheese.

and so, the lone Filipino in the whole buffet area has to
make do. i wonder when tapsilog, cornedbeefsilog and daingsilog will
show up on the breakfast buffet table?

so anyway, i remembered, as of last night, i've been in bangkok a week.

this morning, someone asked, "are you enjoying it here?
do you like it? personally, i find it isn't a hard place to like.
it's a great place to live."

well, that's true, bangkok aims to be endearing.
ironic for a country that resisted the foreign influence for so long.
am i enjoying it? for the most part, yes.
do i like it? yes.
would i live here? i don't know yet.

i'm rather fond of tapsilog.


At 2:34 AM, Blogger Tayabense said...

You confirm what an eminent Filipino writer, Carmen Guerero Nakpil, said about the adaptability of the Filipino to global culture. She said that the Filipino can thrive anywhere abroad in matters of dressing, speaking, socio-political interests, etc., except in his gastronomical interest. He will still look for "patis", everywhere he goes or as you pointed out, he cannot give up his fondness for "tapsilog".


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