the thing about being a grown-up is when you break something, you have to fix it.
the good thing about being in a serviced apartment is when you find somehow break the shower, you just have to dial a number, whine, then someone comes and fixes the thing for you.
You pig out and dirty all the dishes. And someone cleans up after you the next day.
You leave incense sticks to crumble to icky ash. And the next day someone brushes it off the table for you.
E’s car got towed today. And she had to get it back herself, pay for it herself, drive it out herself. (Well, she parked it in the wrong space herself, that’s why it got towed, hehe). D’s bike got a flat kilometers from home and he fixed it himself, re-chained it himself and biked it all the way home.
When nobody knows you in the office, you can not show up for internals, not come up with ideas, heck, even not go to work. And nobody holds you accountable for anything.
Accountability, it’s such a grown-up concept.
And no fun.
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